What Makes an Event Successful?


What makes an event successful? It can be hard to measure success and even harder to know if your guests have found a corporate event valuable. In this blog, we’ll outline some steps on how to ensure your event is successful and offer some tips on how to measure your success.

How to Ensure Your Event Is Successful

When it comes to managing your event, there are some simple but effective steps you can take to ensure your event is a meaningful and memorable experience for your guests.

Precise Planning

Meticulous planning is the most important step to ensuring your event is a success. To avoid any bumps in the road, you’ll need to carefully arrange every aspect of the event from selecting the guest list, to inviting specialist speakers and much more. With resources like this conference planning checklist, you can easily identify the main tasks to plan and cross them off as you go.

One of the biggest aspects of planning is finding a suitable venue and this can be a time-consuming and stressful part of the process. With a venue-finding service like ours at Absolute Venues, we’ll make quick work of the venue-finding process and arrange the perfect option based on your event requirements.

Our services allow you the time and freedom to focus on other aspects of planning so you can ensure your event runs smoothly.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is a huge part of corporate events, with many attending for the sole purpose of growing their network. 95% of professionals believe in-person meetings are essential for long-term business relationships, making face-to-face networking events crucial for any company.

To appeal to your guests and help your own business visibility, ensure your event has plenty of spaces to encourage networking. You could set up stalls or booths with business cards and merchandise from partners or sponsors or even hold a dedicated networking session on the day.

Amazing Agenda

When it comes to ensuring the success of your event, the content you have outlined throughout the day must be useful to guests. A thoroughly planned agenda with sessions, speakers or workshops that are informative and interesting is key. Remember that in order to create interest for your event to begin with, the agenda needs to appeal to your guests, so ensure your content is tailored to your target audience.

A Show Stopping Venue

You can’t have a successful event with nowhere to hold it, and if you want to really impress your audience you’ll need a showstopping venue. At Absolute Venues, we offer a wide range of venues tailored to the specific needs of your event. From business meeting venues that offer ample seating space and stages for speakers, to ceremony venues that provide dining space and entertainment.

Whatever the event, choosing the perfect venue that caters to your needs will help to ensure the smooth running of your event.

How to Measure Your Events Success

As we mentioned before, it can be hard to measure success and know where to begin to assess if your event is on track. There are however some easy metrics/KPIs to keep your eye on to monitor your events performance.

Invites Accepted

This is one of the initial steps for monitoring success and is a great indicator of how popular your event is going to be. If all or most of your guests accept an invite this indicates that interest is high and you’re hosting an event that people find valuable.


Once you’ve got your metrics on expected guests, it’s time to see who shows up. Accepting an invite is one thing but it’s another thing entirely to actually attend. Creating a sign-in sheet at the entrance to an event or implementing a head count system is an easy way to measure your success on the day of your event. If attendance is close to or matches the number of invites, things are looking great.

Media / Social Media Engagement

If your event is covered in newspapers, forums, or mentioned on social media platforms this can have a huge influence on your brand. Social media and press mentions get your company and event a large amount of coverage and brand visibility. If you’ve got positive reviews and interactions on social media this is also an indication that guests have enjoyed your event.

Post Event Feedback

Once your event is over you have an opportunity to gather feedback from guests to establish their thoughts. You could create a survey that asks attendees to rate the event and provide both positive and negative feedback on different elements of the day. If your event was a success, it’s important to understand exactly what your guests enjoyed. This will allow you to plan successful future events using a similar strategy.

Secure Your Success with Absolute Venues

Now you know what makes an event successful, it’s time to get the ball rolling with Absolute Venues. With the help of our expert venue finders and planners, we’ll ensure any event is a showstopping success.

With over 20 years in the business, we’ve helped clients find the perfect venues in a range of locations. If you’re unsure what type of venue you need, contact our team and we’ll be able to advise you on the best options for you and help you take the first steps to hosting a successful event.