Networking Event Venues


Why Is The Right Venue Important For Networking Events?

Networking events are a fantastic opportunity for like minded individuals to meet, connect, and communicate. Here at Absolute Venues, we understand that a good networking corporate event gives businesses large and small, budding entrepreneurs, and professionals from across a certain sector the chance to make contacts that could change their life and career. A big networking event can attract leading business people and specialists from across the UK and even the world, all to gather in one place to share ideas – sparks can fly and ignite creativity like nowhere else.

That’s why it’s so important when you’re organising a networking event that you take all things into consideration. And in this digital age of online communication, video and audio conferences, the fact is that you still can’t beat getting together in person to meet, connect and share. That’s why it’s important to select a venue that not only has everything needed to make your event a success, but also to attract attendees in the first place.

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    Here at Absolute Venues, we work with an enormous variety of different types of venue from every major location in the country. We work throughout the UK’s biggest cities and we have venues for a range of different networking needs. From quirky and cool options offering a more intimate atmosphere, to more impressive and larger options for events with hundreds if not thousands of attendees. It’s easy – all you need to get in touch with our team here at Absolute Venues. When we’ve got a good picture of what you’re looking for in your venue, we’ll do the searching for you. We’ll return with a shortlist of matching and ideal venues for you to choose from.

    You need a venue that has the sufficient size and available facilities to make your event a success, making everyone attending feel comfortable and looked after. These events can be long, so making sure the catering is on point is another consideration worth paying attention too. But most importantly, you need your venue to have all the facilities to make your attendees relaxed and comfortable during the corporate event. You also need a venue that easily fits all your expected attendees and more. There’s nothing worse than an overcrowded networking event where everyone feels a little stuffed, packed in and claustrophobic. For a more relaxed networking event, people need a more flexible space.

    Furthermore, you want a venue that attracts delegates to your event. Here at Absolute Venues, we think there are two main considerations to this: the location and the quality of the venue.


    Location, Location, Location

    The location is very important to having the right venue for your event. If you’re attempting to attract a certain crowd, industry peers from a specific place in the country or abroad, or if there’s a location-specific element to your event (such as a tour of a specific local building or industry), then the location is perhaps the first thing you’ll consider.

    If you’re expecting international attendees, then you’ll want somewhere that has good air connections. Cities that have their own airports, or airports nearby with good connections to the city centre are fantastic for international networking events. If you’re inviting delegates from abroad and expecting them to make the trip, you ought to try and choose a venue somewhere that makes the business travelling as straightforward as possible.

    On the other hand, even if you’re only expecting national attendees, travel connections between different cities is always a big consideration. For instance, given the huge thriving and sheer volume of business in London, distance and ease of travel from the UK’s capital city is something that you might want to think about. Thankfully, in the UK there are excellent rail connections between London and major cities in the South West, North West, North East, Scotland and Wales.

    Birmingham Canals


    Finding The Best Venue For Your Attendees

    There’s a big difference between a small cocktail party and an enormous networking conference. Depending on the kind of networking event you’re planning on holding, your venue needs will vary widely. Here at Absolute Venues, we cater for networking events for between two and 2000 people, so we’re sure to be able to find something perfect for you.

    If you’re holding a large networking event with hundreds of delegates, with presentations and speeches planned for your evening, then a much larger hall is probably necessary. We work with a range of the UK’s biggest hotel brands, and these are often popular choices for events like these. University premises, lecture theatres and other large halls are also great for this kind of networking. If you’re holding an international or cross-sector event, this might be ideal for you.

    On the other hand, a lot of network events take the shape of a cocktail or dinner party, or a bar social networking theme. These kinds of set ups are great for smaller networking events with fewer delegates, perhaps focussed on a local business or industry scene. With canapes, nibbles and other touches, these kinds of events are great and can take place in much smaller, more unique and more intimate venues.


    Why Choose Absolute Venues?

    We’ve been in the business of venue finding since 2002. The knowledge and expertise that we’ve built up in that time makes us your best bet for finding the perfect UK networking event venue for you. Finding a venue on your own is time consuming, frustrating and often not very fruitful. That’s why we’re here to help search through our directory of over 160,000 UK and European venues to find something ideal for you.

    We always strive to respond to enquiries the very same day. When we’ve got a clear picture of everything you need from your venue, we’ll set about searching through our directory. Then, we’ll send you a detailed and comprehensive shortlist of at least 3-4 venues that we think are ideal for you and your budget.

    Our service is completely free, we’re event planners and venue finders trusted throughout the UK, and we guarantee you the best rates around. There’s no need to hesitate – get in touch with us today to discover how Absolute Venues can help guide you to the perfect venue for your networking event.

    people networking at a conference


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