Locations for your Corporate Event & Venue



Absolute Venues’ free venue finding service can help you to find a location throughout the UK and beyond, with a network of high-quality, professionally run premises across Europe and elsewhere in the world.

We can find the ideal venue for you across the whole of the UK, Europe and even Worldwide! Get in touch today to begin your venue finding process.

In the UK alone we can help you to find a conference venue in any major city, including at the heart of the business districts of London, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, locations in the Midlands including Nottingham, and north of the border in Edinburgh, Glasgow and elsewhere in Scotland. However, our free venue finding service also serves as a stepping stone to locations overseas, with some of the biggest global brands in hotel accommodation and conference room services.

Find premises from Thistle, Park Plaza, Prima Hotel Group, Sodexo Prestige, Sofitel Luxury Hotels and more, with conference facilities either on-site or at a nearby venue that can be booked via Absolute Venues.

Express Venue Finder

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    Groups of people talking at an event

    We provide bespoke conference venue location services, based on what you need – the type of event you are planning, the capacity you need and any other on-site facilities you would prefer.

    With Absolute Venues’ help, you can gain access to respected premises in areas you might not have visited in person, or may not be particularly familiar with, and we can offer all of this for free.